Saturday, March 19, 2011



wake up at noon/ bacon and egg with freshly made apple juice/ jack johnson/ haagen-dazs/ Discovery T&L/ U magazine/ john mayer/ nap/ blogger

A real simple treasure :)

Just read an article in magazine, it's about a travel reporter's sunrise and sunset, the most memorable magic moments she had, in Dubai, in southern India, or wherever. She got very cool pictures and memories which once again prove that being a travel reporter always an aspirational occupation. She makes her living by traveling round the world, and yea, she writes journals and takes pictures for her column, very easy money, huh?
I wish I was a travel reporter too...

I'm a very very tight-budget-traveler with 10 days annual leave, and 24000 asia miles.
How can you catch as much magic moments as you can?

Sunrise, Mainland, Dec 2008

Sunrise, New Zealand, Jan 2010
Sunrise, Austria, Sept 2009
Sunset, Peak-Hong Kong, Jan 2011 
Sunset, Peak-Hong Kong, July 2010
Sunset, Mainland, Dec 2008

Friday, March 18, 2011

吓? 唔係啩?

il Bel Paese 竟然執咗...笠?!!!

我啲Parma ham芝士cracker salami 呀呀呀呀呀呀...
今個 home-made Sunday brunch 點算呀? 咪得番隻蛋?一星期唯一一個good morning都冇啖好食?!!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2 1/2


工作工作, 再工作

艱辛, 有血有汗

雖然日日嗌辛苦, 不過知道自己慢慢咁向前行緊, 氣力冇白費, 又擴闊咗視野, 感覺其實都唔錯。

同伴們, 我哋一定會做到好嘢出嚟㗎! 加油呀!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


又電了鬈髮! (成熟女人味, DONE!)

卻要比平時花多一倍時間打理, 真係...麻煩... 竟然喺電髮後一日就已經後悔
-_-" 有冇攪錯!