Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome home

Last two months, I spent a lot of time looking for work, showing my portfolio to any and every one who would look. Hunting job, meeting people, sharing works. Found some freelances, worked but still looking for another job. 
Panic. Worried. Worked. Worried. I was going through all the possible emotions. Got some offers, but I turned them down. What am I looking for? Until finally I was offered a job from my first employer. I am going back to communion w.

It's not an easy decision to make. at all.

Life, work, creativity is just that at times — take risks and see what happens. Give it a try. Sometimes it results in amazing things, sad things, subtle things or nothing at all. You never know. Just follow my heart and let go.

"Welcome home, Nicole."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Great News- Album release!

4 years, we've been waiting for.
The Magic Numbers finally set to release their third album 'The Runaway" in late July.
An English indie rock band comprising two pairs of brothers and sisters. Romeo Stodart (lead guitar, vocals) and his sister Michele (bass, vocals, keyboard), Sean Gannon (drums) and his sister Angela (other instruments, vocals).

Despite their "not very cool" styling, they produce really cool music.
The band's self-titled debut album was a huge success in 2005, and was swiftly followed by 'Those The Brokes' the next year.
Both albums are excellent. These are the tracks that you'll put onto your CD player when driving along the greenish country road, in a sing-along relaxing mood. That's exactly what we did when we were having our fun car-ride journey in Taiwan back to 2007 :)

Now The Magic Numbers return. Great News.

Can't wait till next month? Let's take a glance at the first single off their new album, "The Pulse" here!

Currently Listening- Jack Johnson

Just as the tempature hits 32 degrees celsius, Jack Johnson releases another album that transports me a much cooler place. Nobody does beach music like him and no matter that the ocean is 2 hours away, To The Sea has me smelling the ocean breeze and I can almost hear the sea gulls.

While it's difficult to really separate some of his music, I feel there is no reason to. I have never been disappointed by a single one of Jack's albums because I know precisely what to expect when I turn one on for the first time: the same old happy-inducing mellow music we've all come to love. Overall it's a bunch of feel good songs that's bound to put anyone in a good mood.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kling Summer 2010

If you've noticed my previous post about DACE, and if you like it, then probably you can't miss this too.
Such a dreamy Summer campaign "Funfair" for Madrid label Kling

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010


Affa, thanks for your call tonight, it means a lot to me, and you made me feel so much better.
You are definitely my lifelong confidant, i am so so glad to have you in my life, truly.

I hope you can see this and feel the same :)


I'm not going to change the way i look
or the way i feel to conform to anything.
I've always been a freak.
So I've been a freak all my life
and I've to live with that, you know.
I'm one of those people.

~John Lennon

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Check out this colorful watercolor-esque video and funky summer song called "Baby I'm Yours" by the French band Breakbot. It is directed by Irina Dakeva.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another bad day

I don't feel good
I don't feel right
I don't like your plans
I don't like your attitude
I don't want to bear with your bad temper
I don't agree with your values
I don't listen to you
I don't want to be whom you want me to be
I don't want to do what you ask me to do
I don't want to argue
I don't want to debate
I don't need rational analysis
I don't feel we are connected
I don't see what you see
I don't want to ruin every weekend
I don't want to shed a tear
I don't feel your healing power
I don't want to explain how i feel
I don't feel your love and care
I don't want our relationship gone like this
We've tried so hard to figure out what's wrong with us, 
yet we can't work it out
I am so sad
I had a really bad day

You don't feel good
You don't feel right
You don't like my plans
You don't like my attitude
You don't want to bear with my bad temper 
You don't agree with my values
You don't listen to me
You don't want to be whom i want you to be
You don't want to do what i ask you to do
You don't want to argue
You don't want to debate
You don't feel we are connected
You don't see what i see
You don't want to ruin every weekend
You don't want our relationship gone like this
We've tried so hard to figure out what's wrong with us, 
yet we can't work it out
You feel so sad
You had a really bad day, too.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010




維園 6月4日嘅夜空, 平反六四嘅口號又再響徹雲霄。當13億中國內地人民仍唔能夠公開哀悼六四死難者, 同一天空下, 剩餘丁點民權自由嘅香港人更加要珍惜自由嘅星火。
縱然今年紀念六四活動受到前所未有嘅政治打壓, 但仍無阻支聯會同全港人平反六四嘅決心。

我覺得好感動。香港人整整21年聚集維園高呼平反六四, 已經唔係簡單咁要求政府認錯, 而係對中共表達不滿, 希望中國落實真正民主。十幾萬人一邊唱一邊搖動蠟燭上的火苗, 真係好感動。

我又覺得好感傷。點解自己嘅祖國咁可恥, 做咗又唔認, 仲試圖用墨寫嘅慌言去掩蓋血寫嘅事實。「若堂堂世界強國,連少許的異議聲音尚且不容,叫中國人民怎能抬起頭來?」


雖然今年先係第二年參加, 有心唔怕遲。
華叔, 明年維園再見!