Sunday, May 30, 2010

Currently Reading

Tuesday with Morrie 
 "An elegantly simple story about a writer getting a second chance to discover life through the death of a friend. A true story that shines and leaves you forever warmed by its afterglow."

Tuesday Lecture-
We talk about The world
We talk about Feeling sorry for yourself
We talk about Regrets
We talk about Death
We talk about Family
We talk about Emotions
We talk about The Fear of Aging
We talk about Money
We talk about How loves goes on
We talk about Marriage
We talk about Culture
We talk about Forgiveness
We talk about The Perfect Day
We say Goodbye     

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


我唔係一個容易相處嘅人, 一啲都唔和藹可親, 好硬頸, 好自我, 成日唔聽人講嘢, 又冇耐性, 喜怒形於色, 仲有啲精神分裂。

我有時覺得我來自另一個星球, 一個只有我嘅星球, 或者嗰度有好多個一模一樣嘅我, 習慣自己同另一個自己生活, 思想一致, 完全冇衝突, 好和諧。大概咁先解釋到點解我嚟到地球, 咁難同人相處。

我開始發覺人愈大, 性格就愈剛烈, 大情大性, 任意妄為, 唔多理人感受, 想點就點。咁樣唔得, 我應該控制吓自己嘅情緒, 做個好人, 對人好啲, 唔好咁任性, 應該三思而後行, 應該去釣魚培養耐性, 應該去教堂頌聖詩, 學習容忍同寬恕別人, 仲要食少啲牛肉, 唔好咁暴躁, 再唔係就削髮為尼, 隱居深山, 獨自修行...

其實, 我應該返去我個星球。

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Currently Listening- Daniel Powter

Self-titled ablum- Daniel Powter

Under the Radar

Daniel Powter, Canadian singer-songwriter, known for his number 1 smash hit "Bad Day" from his self-titled album released 2005, which is a fantastic pop track. And after listening to the rest of Powter's album, I'm wondering why it's the only true standout on the discs, in fact all of his songs are damn good, really.

It's not often that a real new talent comes along, a tag that can certainly be applied to Daniel Powter. These albums are catchy from the start, and one that continues to grow on you with every play. There are at least half a dozen tracks that you find yourself humming all day; James Blunt-style vocals with interesting instrumental twists that keep several great upbeat songs fresh with each listen. For me, he is becoming my all time favorite singer and his albums are definitely worth-listening.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sentence of the week


wow...that' absolute criticism.
I'll try to be a nicer person

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's Gorillaz

Gorillaz- Plastic Beach

Plastic Beach is as crazy, funky and experimental as we've come to expect from the Gorillaz. Powerful, but be advised: Gorillaz have once again turned their music on its head.
In a few words: If you want Demon Days or Gorillaz you'd better skip this. If you want to hear the next phase of Gorillaz' musical adventure, as well as a solid, Earth conscience, electropop album, go out right now and get this.
It's really a love/hate thing I think. You have to be a die-hard Gorillaz fan to enjoy it.

Gorillaz - Stylo on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010



唔洗鬧鐘, 唔洗趕頭趕命追巴士, 唔洗捱更抵夜, 唔洗返工等放工, 日日好似weekend咁, 你都咪話唔梳乎!
每朝起身諗下 "今日做咩好?" "食咩早餐呢?" 聽住歌食個Homemade Brunch, 再去馬場跑步, 返嚟沖個靚涼, 又夠鐘食high tea, 去Landmark定去PP呢? 不如順便shopping消磨吓時間...再唔係留喺屋企睇吓啲買咗十年但又冇時間睇嘅DVD, 又或者搽吓指甲油, 敷個mask, 再唔係就怖置吓間新屋, 煮吓嘢食咁, 仲可以去Clubhouse游吓水, 坐喺沙灘椅度睇書, 幾咁有益身心, 呢啲先叫好生活。
嗱, 呢種感覺好奢侈, 真係好奢侈, 有錢人都未必個個做到。不過呢種感覺好唔真實, 中間仲夾雜住啲不安...

人生並唔係有好多時間可以咁樣度過, 所以我其實應該好好珍惜, 做哂啲平時想做但又冇去做嘅嘢 (其實唔多, 因為我平時都已經係想做就去做)唯獨是有樣嘢, 我窮一生精力都係為咗做呢件事(奈何大部份時間都係諗多過做)
就係去旅行!!!!!! 我要去旅行!!!!!!!!!!!!!不如一個人去旅行??!!我要去北歐!!我要去希臘!!我要去Barcelona!!!!!(若然我真係一位闊太, 要做呢件事簡直係易如反掌!猶如家常便飯!!)
不過我而家都係唔好發夢, 諗吓點過日辰好過...

對呢種悠閒嘅生活又愛又恨, 想快啲過新生活, 但又更想繼續好似依家咁百無聊頼日日等運到, 做人真係好矛盾。

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Girls With Glasses

Check out this really quirky and clever music video clip of Brooke White (singer/songwriter and American Idol Alum) and Summer Bellessa (model and editor of ELIZA Magazine) who are working on introducing a new variety talk show providing perspectives on fashion, entertainment, art and music called, "The Girls With Glasses Show".

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tips of the day

I have so many projects ongoing and errands to do at a time. I'll be working on a project for a few minutes before an idea pops in my head and then find myself sketching out something totally unrelated. Next thing you know I'm online doing job-hunting or facebook-ing and we all know, once you're online you remember you haven't checked your email today, and then you see you got a message with a link to a new blog. On that blog you stumble upon the Twitter logo and realize you haven't tweeted all day. Finally it's 5pm, and your initial project from six hours ago is sitting lonely by the wayside, unfinished and neglected.

Same thing happen when doing shopping. No. Not Shopping, i am supposed to buy one particular thing ONLY. Go out, get it, and come back, quick.

But then "men get what they need, women get what they want". It's so true, and I'm a hundred percent woman.

Okay, here is the case. You all know i just moved to my new place, in happy valley. And yesterday I planned going to IKEA for a washroom mirror, just that easy, i could come back in an hour and continue unpack my stuffs. 
So i headed to causeway bay (that's definitely an evil place to every mankind!) on the way to IKEA, i should have shut my eyes, or i wouldn't notice there is a seasonal sale in my favorite Diesel Store, or i wouldn't come across HMV and find that there are new CDs released, or i wouldn't realize that i need a hairdo, or i wouldn't remember there's still a $500 I.T Coupon in my wallet, or..........i could free my hand to hold the mirror that i should have bought 3 hours earlier.
Ahhh...stupid Nicole!!!

It's time to get focused. I remember reading a study that found we're not really that great at multi-tasking. Yes, we manage to get multiple things done at once but it doesn't necessarily help us get them done efficiently. On top of that the quality of work is not as great as it would be if we focused on one project at a time.  

Tackle your tasks by designating a specific period of time to work and dedicate your full attention to that project. Force yourself to ignore other things that distracted. Whenever I'm working and an unrelated thought or idea comes up I tell myself "no, we're not doing that right now" and then I write it down on the appropriate list for me to address it later. Yes, it has resulted in me talking to myself but it definitely helps me get back on track.

So list your goals, prioritize, and focus. It's the best way to get things done effectively and efficiently :)

Monday, May 3, 2010


Soul meets soul on lovers' lips. 

When was the last kiss with your beloved? 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A fab weekend

Have a fabulous weekend! 
Enjoy the weather, eat some fruit and a salad, have brunch with friends, go for a walk with your mother, give your dear a really good kiss, listen to an old album you haven't played in a while, bake some cookies, get a hair cut, watch a movie, update your photo album, your blog or go for a joyride. These are all small things that can add a little extra something to your weekend :)