Sunday, June 24, 2012


我又在做料理。是西式的,也有中式。還有我的處女作Mixed berry cheescake (失敗了/_\" 樣子甜美,質感味道卻.......與外表不相乎...嘻...)
上星期做了Seafoos Risotto! 非常好吃,呵呵,第一次做就成功,真有天份做大廚 ;)
還有French Onion Soup, 單是炒洋蔥就已經炒了45分鐘...加入白酒與上湯又煮45分鐘,簡直是嘔心瀝血之作(別忘了切洋蔥時害得我淚流滿面 :"""") 當然我倆對這onion soup又是讚不絕口! 而中式料理我尚在入門階段,所以只做了簡單又好吃的咸蛋肉餅,魚香茄子,豉汁排骨等...蠻不錯,呵!(其實這幾道菜我相信白痴也會做...)

除了下廚外,最常做的是躺在梳化看sitcom...有Big Bang Theory, How I met your mother...輕輕鬆鬆地度過幾個無聊的週末 :)

近期添加一項新任務,就是要搜尋一張靚靚的wooden coffee table,當然不能太昂貴,所以任務尚在進行中,且進度相當緩慢...

Seafood Risotto


Risotto Alle Vongole

金玉其外的Mixed Berry Cheesecake

Friday, June 22, 2012

Song of the Day- Living in the Moment

Jason Mraz- Living In the Moment

Love this song so so much, it speaks for me and it's the song to loop today :)

If this life is one act 
Why do we lay all these traps 
We put them right in our path 
When we just wanna be free 

I will not waste my days 
Making up all kinds of ways 
To worry about some things 
That will not happen to me 

So I just let go of what I know I don't know 
And I know I'll only do this by 
Living in the moment 
Living our life 
Easy and breezy 
With peace in my mind 
With peace in my heart 
Peace in my soul 
Wherever I'm going, I'm already home 
Living in the moment 

I'm letting myself off the hook for things I've done 
I let my past go past 
And now I'm having more fun 
I'm letting go of the thoughts 
That do not make me strong 
And I believe this way can be the same for everyone

And if I fall asleep 
I know you'll be the one who'll always remind me 
To live in the moment 
To live my life 
Easy and breezy 
With peace in my mind 
I got peace in my heart 
Got peace in my soul 
Wherever I'm going, I'm already home 

I can't walk through life facing backwards 
I have tried 
I tried more than once to just make sure 
And I was denied the future I'd been searching for 
But I spun around and searched no more 
By living in the moment 
Living my life 
Easy and breezy 
With peace in my mind 
I got peace in my heart 
Got peace in my soul 
Wherever I'm going, I'm already home 

I'm living in the moment 
I'm living my life 
Just taking it easy 
With peace in my mind 
I got peace in my heart 
I got peace in my soul 
Oh, wherever I'm going, I'm already home 
I'm living in the moment 
I'm living my life 
Oh, easy and breezy 
With peace in my mind 
I got peace in my heart 
I got peace in my soul 
Oh, wherever I'm going, I'm already home 
I'm living in the moment