Thursday, September 30, 2010

Discovering the Virtues of a Wandering Mind

There's a finding in New York Times' science section that touts the creative benefits of daydreaming...

"At long last, the doodling daydreamer is getting some respect"

Mind wandering, as psychologists define it, is a subcategory of daydreaming, which is the broad term for all stray thoughts and fantasies, including those moments you deliberately set aside to imagine yourself winning the lottery or becoming the noble. But when you’re trying to accomplish one thing and lapse into “task-unrelated thoughts,” that’s mind wandering.
Psychologists also found that people's minds seem to wander 30 percent of the time during waking hours.

Researchers have been analyzing those stray thoughts, they’ve found daydreaming is "remarkably common — and often quite useful. A wandering mind can protect you from immediate perils and keep you on course toward long-term goals. Sometimes daydreaming is counterproductive, but sometimes it fosters creativity and helps you solve problems."

To encourage this creative process, it is suggested that to go jogging, take a walk, do some knitting or just sit around doodling, because relatively undemanding tasks seem to free your mind to wander productively. But you also want to be able to catch the idea at the Eureka moment!

"For creativity you need your mind to wander" Mr. Professional says.

That's the reason why i am doing it so often. Maybe not 30% but half of my waking hours!LOL!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Things to Remember

This is Your Life.
Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don't like something, change it.
If you don't like your job, Quit.
If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you're looking for the love of your life, stop. They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, Life is Simple.
All emotions are beautiful when you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Open your mind, arms and heart to new things. And people, we are united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating.
Life is short. Live your dream, and wear your passion.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Last Year

Yea, I have changed my blog header! Very nice, huh?
It's such a beautiful shot I took in Austria, in the Alps. A scenic and peaceful one.
I wish I will be there once again in my future.

It has been a year since my last journey. I miss it so so much!
From Austria to Slovenia to Czech to Germany, it was the greatest travel experience i have ever had. It is definitely one of the most unforgettable moments in my life. 

I have written a journal. (click to view!)  and i shot thousand pictures.
Breathtaking view, scenic drive, picturesque town, historical architecture, good food, good people, how wonderful!

Here are some of the best shots :D
Hallstatt, Austria
Hallstatt, Austria
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Zell am See, Austria
Alpine Road, Alps

Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
Prague Castle, Czech Republic
Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic

Vienna, Austria
Zugspitz, Germany

I am so looking forward to our next journey :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thanksgiving Note

i am thankful for:

Mum & Dad- I'll always love you, despite everything

Bennett- for being my cheerleader all the time, also my financial counselor (providing very intensive advices) and have always been my sources of motivation

for my dearest friends, who are absolutely amazing and kind and funny and awesome, every single one of you makes my life here so much better

for ice-cream, chocolate and french fries

for the internet- msn, mostly, and facebook and openrice

for music, which i can't live without

for TV shows and gossip magazines that enables me to waste my life when I should be doing something more meaningful

for the Google map with compass in my iphone, as you know i always get lost physically (and mentally)

for shopping, it heals sadness, very effectively

for the App Store-the huge pool of games, the best time-killer

for the greenery and the ocean

and for the weekends.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tips of the Day

To those who have given up on love, 

I say, "Trust life a little bit"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We love Joyriding!

Let's follow the Micky Mouse icon along the highway and here we go!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


離開陳曾就嚟半年, 其實一直都有啲懷念以前嘅工作環境同幾位波士...

梅老闆嘅口氣, 一身十年不變嘅outfit (略緊嘅Tee + Diesel Jeans + Converse), 飯後嘅午睡時間(好安詳咁雙手放前瞓喺梳化度, 儼如一具屍體) 與24小時長開嘅World of Warcraft(有時真係好想login佢個account, 幫佢賣哂啲用真錢買番嚟嘅武器, 嘩哈哈哈!)

陳老闆"和諧悅耳"嘅Cello演奏, 6點鐘一句"嗯...差唔多啦!"然後鬆人, 仲有遲遲都唔簽上大名嘅Pay cheque。最經典嘅當然要數阿Paul坐喺confernece room入面開住個價值連城嘅膽機播放蔡琴嘅<被遺忘的時光>"是誰......在敲打我窗..是誰...(粵語)" 再加一句"高音甜, 中音準, 低音勁" 情景就同梁朝偉劉德華喺無間道嘅情節一模一樣。

至於朱老闆, 相信仍然係被美名為廣告界霆鋒, 佢逢星期五風騷入骨嘅時髦打扮, Gel到不能再Gel嘅頭, 開胸恤衫, 再加上“咯咯聲”嘅漆皮尖頭鞋, 仲有佢失驚無神喺老細房裡面放聲高歌, 唱80年代嘅流行曲, 仲有邊個夠佢型?! (其實佢會唔會似四哥多啲呢?)唔好唔記得, 仲有佢玩咗咁多年都唔厭嘅上海麻雀!

KC, 最獲益良多嘅Monday Morning Meeting, 最和靄可親嘅慈父。仲記得有一次你喺報紙專欄度形容我係一個體型纖瘦, 外冷內熱嘅美術總監, 仲話我有啲似郭晶晶添! (雖然有更多人話我似Yumiko同徐子珊......)


舊同事們, 你們好嗎?
知道你哋將會搬office, 到時記得搵我去Grand Opening呀!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


(Click to go to the link!)

Gorgeous photos for my daily inspiration.