Friday, April 30, 2010

5 Days Getaway

I am a piece of dark choco. 100%. 

After 2 days of sunbathing and water sports in Bintan Island, we both suffered from serious sunburn, skin peeling and muscular aches, damn...BUT, we had so much fun, so it worths!
I had my first time snorkelling and wake-boarding on a "way-too-sunny" day (that's how i get burn, haha) over a wide scenic ocean, it was just great and refreshing.

Snorkelling is fun, i saw beautiful sea corals and tropical fishes swimming around me. I swam as fast as a shark with my flippers on!! wakaka, i felt so great to swim so quick, it's fun :P
Wake-boarding. Not easy. I kept falling, falling, falling and falling down. I could hardly hold a second standing on the board...all i did was just crashing onto the sea over and over again, and at the moment i was thinking "oh fuck, the water is so salty, and the strong sunlight is blocking my sight, shit! Where am i? Where is the wakeboard rope? oh god xxx"
And Bennett, he was doing good, at least he could stand up straight and ski for a few second, yes, few second, maybe 5. was a nice try anyway. "You did very well already!" said Amy. Oh, that's really encouraging, thanks.

Beside sunshine beaches in Bintan, we did some sightseeing in Singapore too. Highlights include the newly-opened Universal Studio in Sentosa, the vibrant Chinatown, colonial landmarks, Orchard Road, Little India, the iconic Merlion, and Clarke Quay. Yea, i like Clarke, situated along Singapore River, it's a colourful kaleidoscope of restaurants, outdoor wine bars and entertainment spots. We sat alongside the river and had a nice beer moment, cheers bros!

Whatsmore, we did have gourmet cuisine like famous Hainanese chicken rice, Chili Crab, Laksa, Satay...and, the well-known "Krupuk" (Indonesian prawn crackers!) yummy yummy!

That's what we did in our pre-summer vacation, a nice one, a relax one.
Thanks brother, Amy and Ben, we did have a good time! :)



Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today's mummy birthday, so, happy birthday mum, i love you.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


第3年, 第3次搬屋

Happy Valley, here we go!!

Monday, April 19, 2010


喺陳曾已經第五個年頭, 絕對稱得上老臣子。 我諗如果我再繼續留喺度, 我好快就可以坐入老細房, 同幾位元老日日一齊打warcraft拉cello上ebay, 返1點放6點, 然後去翠亨邨嘆個茶之後再去恤個靚髮!

五年前冇諗過會做到今時今日, 頂多咪做夠兩三年然後入4As, 同其他來去匆匆嘅同事一樣。
我已經唔記得經歷過幾多個朝代, 廣告行人人跳嚟跳去絕對唔係新鮮事, 不過係呢度嘅流失率特別高, 一年換幾個creative, 快得離譜。其實呢個行頭又有幾大? 十隻手指數得哂, 正所謂天下烏鴉一樣黑, 呢度做同嗰度做其實冇咩分別。
又因為有太多無知嘅新丁被騙入局, 每有新血, 老細們又會將佢地"驚天地泣鬼神"嘅偉論一次又一次咁發表。我而家倒轉都識背...
"當年我地仲喺BBDO個年代真係最好玩, 簡直係癲㗎! 廣告從來都應該以人為本, 香港人梗係要做番啲廣告俾香港人睇, 咁先有共鳴。所以就做咗Sunday一系列嘅經典廣告, 幾大回響! 換轉係依家啲廣告公司, 肯定未過老外大粒佬就已經俾啲廢柴AS(Account Servicing) Ban哂啦....(跟住就順理成章咁講下啲AS有幾廢...)
"嗱, 啲腦筍都未生埋嘅AS最鍾意就寫埋哂D廢Brief, 又要做一大輪research, 跟住又做focus group, 仲要浪廢成team人嘅精力做個美輪美奐嘅powerpoint, 簡直係嘥心機捱眼瞓! 大佬呀, 我地做廣告㗎, 不如留番啲精神度橋啦!" "佢地連咩係好橋屎橋都未識分, 就喺度嘈嘈閉,阻頭阻勢!"
"好橋唔難諗, 最難係要有個好客, 有vision, 有gut屎, 肯試新嘢。大膽啲! 諗得癲啲, 咁先有好嘢出! 年中都不知有幾多好橋俾啲"船頭驚鬼船尾驚賊"嘅客ban哂! 就係因為咁, 出面啲4As最鍾意打飛機...(跟住就順理成章咁講下做飛機稿有幾咁不該, 令到整個廣告行嘅文化有幾敗壞 ...下刪5千字)
其實仲有數之不盡嘅精警言論, 不過如果真係要寫, 我諗都要佔十幾廿版...恕我不能盡錄。不過如果如真係咁有興趣, 你大可嘗試去應徵一下!

至於我, 都做咗五年, 係時候要走, 轉吓環境。喺自己嘅comfort zone留得太耐, 會發覺自己好似冇乜進步咁, 又冇乜幹勁(尤其是我呢啲咁懶嘅人情況更甚) 所以都係要的起心肝改變現狀, 做啲好嘢出嚟!

臨別秋波, 都難免有啲老老土土嘅對話:
老細: 前程似錦啦!
我: 好!承你貴言!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


When you catch yourself worrying about the present and future.
When no one seems to really like you
Or you feel like nothing is quite right,
It can be a good idea to take account of lovely things that make you indescribably peaceful and happy and content.
Just like this.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fashion freaks

With summer just around the corner I’m starting to think about how the hell I’m going to dress myself. I’m really obsessed with those stylish layering posted in fashion magazine, however I'm not a professional so I always end up looking chunky. This year I thought: ENOUGH! It can’t be that hard. New Yorkers and Londoners pull this off without a hitch every single year. So I decided to look at how the cool kids do it. And girls, do they do it well. I’m so excited about buying floral one-pieces and skirts!

Sunday, April 11, 2010



B: 喂, 你唔可以咁㗎喎!  or  喂, 你咁唔得㗎喎! (語氣頗重, 帶責備成份!)
N: 妖! 咁點先得呀?!! 

B: 點解你成日都唔聽人講架啫?
N: 我點解要聽你講呀?

N: 唉! 費事同你講, 唔想鬧交, 好煩! (已經好唔耐煩)
B: 喂, 唔得, 要講清楚, 唔可以掉低個問題唔解決!
N: 都話唔想講咯!! (開始火滾)

例4: (駕車時)
B: 喂, 前面嗰條街叫咩呀? 我係咪下個街口轉右呀?
N: 我點知啫? 我又唔係GPS!
B: 喂, 你唔可以咁㗎喎! 幫手睇吓啦! (極度焦躁)
N: 咪睇緊囉xxx!!!!

N: 你可唔可以控制吓你嘅情緒!
B: 你可唔可以控制吓你嘅情緒!!!

B: 你好唔理人感受!
N: 你都好唔理我感受!
B: 我點唔理你呀?!
N: 咁我又點唔理你呀?!

B: 做乜又黑口黑面呀?
N: 我冇喎! (我真係冇!)
B: 咁仲唔係黑口黑面??
N: 都話冇咯!!係你成日都覺得我黑口黑面之嘛!!
    你夠黑口黑面啦! (加強語氣)
B: 我邊有呀!!
B: 港女!
N: 毒男!

B: 你唔好句句都咁offensive啦!
N: 吓??!我邊句offense到你呢??!(好有禮貌地反問)
B: 你個樣好藐視。
N: 吓?...
B: 你啲語氣根本就係寸人。
N: 我完全冇咁嘅意思!
B: 我又冇得罪你, 你態度應該好啲。
N: 你根本就係對我有偏見!!

B+N: x@#~!&*&^%......

Friday, April 9, 2010

Currently Listening- Muse

The Resistance

I don't think you can really go wrong with The Resistance. It's a rock album like no other made in today's modern age. So this album; I like it. I gave it five stars, based upon the comparison to what's out there right now.

What the band does so wonderfully is that it transcends rock n roll more so than its contemporaries. It has the ability to fuse together the orchestral sounds of classical music with the aggressiveness of modern rock.
Muse is also very keen on creating some truly beautiful melodic moments as well. It's this versatility that makes Muse a unique musical act, and a rather complete one as well.

I love every single track, it's been years since i've enjoyed a full album. It's not easy to find one, even including my favorite bands as there bound to be a few songs that are so so. However, this one is the exception.

Muse "Uprising" on Vimeo.

Be Strong Dear

My elder sister recently went through a sorrowful decision that she's gonna break up with her boyfriend. I know it will be a harsh period for her to go through and it surely will last quite a long while because it won't be easy to fade one's memories. She's now in a state of blue and becoming a melancholy girl. I've tried so hard to cheer her up in every ways but it seems doesn't work well at all...

I told her one way to cope (and a way to get through any kind of drama in one’s life) is to surround yourself with exceptional people. Or, to make a change of your routine.

Go for a journey, meet strangers, chill out with dudes, have a new hairdo, quit your job(er..i know it's an irrational idea, but it may works!) Or, even move to a new place!
That's the best way ever. And that's the best reason to persuade her living with me while my stupid landlord's kickin' me out.

So we're now doing house-hunting and hopefully we will move in late April.
It will be a busy month because there are thousands things to do within next couple of weeks. I'll have my last day in CTWCM in mid April and right after I'll go for a vacation in Bintan. (yea yea, sunshine and beaches!) When i come back i gotta pack my stuffs and get moving.

Isn't it crazy? Sounds like I'm the one who wear the willow and going through a Life-Changing moment.
Anyway, it shall be a nice start.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Today i asked myself whether or not I have forgotten how to write.
No... no, I don't think that I have forgotten how to write, I don't think we ever do.
Sometimes I think that I forget my feelings, I forget how to feel them. They brush lightly against me like moths finding their way in the dark. Loneliness mostly. Moths know loneliness.
But writing isn't ever the same to me. I like writing when nobody is caring to read, i just write to my own-self, maybe 10 years later.
I don't mean to make a fuss, or sound greedy, or selfish, or like I am not wanting to share.
I do want to share.
It's only that, if we don't write for us, we get lost, don't we?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Tips of the day

Do it.
As a creative person you probably have projects listed in your mind or on a dreamboard waiting to come into fruition. You probably researched, explored, and even reached out to people for advice on how to make something happen. Yet those projects remain to be little notes jotted down on your to do list. Weeks go by, then months, and the next thing you know you're cleaning out a desk drawer and stumble upon that list written years ago.

This happened to me the other day. I was tidying up some old stuffs of mine and found there was a pile of dusty books round the corner. I can't even remember why they're here but anyway i was supposed to read them all through. Those are books about art history, ideas generations, psychology, easy-cooking, self-learning languages and so... However, they were being left behind, just like brand new books never been flipped. What a shame!
I should take time to finish them one by one. Yes! I should read books, not magazines, not comics, but BOOKSSSS!!!
Whats more, i found there were three sketch books beneath the pile. Of which, two of them are empty. The other one with (only) few pages of illustrations and paintings was done few years ago. I used to draw spontaneously when i was a design student. But not anymore.
Ideally, these sketch books should be filled with my lovely drawings and memories, but due to my laziness and lost of passion, i just found hundred blank pages right here.....damn!!!

All that said, we can talk about the things that we want but if it's all talk then there isn't much that's going to happen. When you have tons of other ideas and a whole bunch of other things going on it's tough to make time, but you have to. If it's something you really want to do then take those necessary steps.

As I'm typing this I'm realizing I'm talking to myself. It's time to focus and gear up for those fantastic projects we want to do. Nike had it right, just do it, it's the only way it'll get done.