Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tips of the New Year's Eve

"In Life we do things. Some we wish we had never done. Some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads. But they all make us who we are, and in the end they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them we wouldn't be the person we are.
So just live, make mistakes, have wonderful memories, but never ever second guess who you are, where you have been, and most importantly where it is you're going. Just have faith that life is happening as it should."
(via tumblr)

Hello 2012. A brand new year ahead :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011



終於有人幫忙換燈膽,搬傢俬,駁電線同打發突如其來的昆蟲...半夜肚痛了都不用捲著肚子獨個兒爬到急症室看病,辛勞工作後又有人聽我發牢騷,有時甚至有美味晚餐供應。嗯...還不賴 :)

搬進新居兩個多月,慢慢養成一些共同的生活習慣,Saturday morning的Full breakfast絕對是令人提起勁享受週末的首要環節,多得家裡的咖啡機,就算對咖啡豆沒什研究,隨隨便便的就已經可以調配出一杯香濃的Espresso或是Cappucinno(當然沖調技術還有待改進) 哈哈! 閒時又可以選購另類甜酸苦辣的咖啡豆研磨一番,嘻!

新屋的怖置也差不多完成,其實也沒啥特別,只是Muji味道的Ikea貨色加上許多旅行sourvenirs就是了 :P 很homey.

週末就喜歡黏在家,上上網,百無聊賴躺在沙發吃薯片看雜誌電影,或是到露台吹吹風澆澆花,好寫意:) 最近還加入了新成員Xbox Kinect,是兒童適宜的非戰略性活動遊戲,所以我覺得幾好玩。哈哈!

Weekend還有supermarket shopping day,對! 是supermarket! 駕車到大型的superstore儲糧,買Fettuccine買basil買雪糕又買洗頭水買到一袋二袋,好滿足。沒去Joyce沒去Lane Crawford,卻會到Homeless與花墟,去得更多的是Ikea, Marketplace...生活習慣的轉變,花在購置衣裝的時間與金錢都少了。

感覺像老了十年, 變成住家男女。但好實在好home sweet home.


Monday, December 19, 2011

19th Dec

Today is my 27th birthday. So, Happy Birthday Nicole
Stay Young :)

Friday, December 9, 2011



十月,愛上road trip。你駕著車子,我在旁邊看風景。嘻嘻!
美國加洲,是L.A是Hollywood是Beverly Hills,也是十多年前從Savage Garden大碟中收聽的最後一首歌,叫Santa Monica. 陽光與海灘,world carnival還有concert by the sea. 哈!好想放聲高歌唱著Red Hot Chili Peppers的Dani California!!

然後走到太平洋的邊際,看過清晨霧還未散的pacific coast,午後陽光燦爛藍天碧海,夕陽斜照紫紅色晚霞,夜裡寂靜而帶點憂鬱的黑...好多層次,好多色彩,好美好美!

看倦了海天一色,便去探訪加洲著名的紅酒莊園Napa Valley,實情是我倆也不嗜紅酒卻又走進人家的葡萄園wine tasting,與同行的貴婦紳士格格不入。還根本分辨不了次一等與頂級紅酒的分別,是Merlot, Mouton還是Cabinet Sauvignon? 都是一樣的苦,唯有用極之貧乏的形容詞泛泛應道"ummm...very nice" 心中想著: 如果這是draft beer tasting就好了...嗯... 但無疑這裡的確風光如畫 :)

我們還去了San Francisco,一個盡是又上又落的斜路,有如波浪一樣的城市:P
吖! 還因為San Fran是沿海城市,美味海鮮就是少不了,Clam chowder也喝了好幾次,十分好味!

跳上飛機,我倆終於到了Toronto,你返回老家,百感交雜,去了Crescent School也去了York University,逛逛Metro/Walmart,當然也吃了大家首推的豬骨煲,還有Second Cup的Irish coffee...就是要尋回那久違而熟識的味道。

接著就向北行走進Algonquin Park-看-楓-葉!嘻哈!剛好是楓葉轉換顏色的季節,紅橙黃綠,加上Lake Muskoka的湖邊小屋與鏡一般的倒影,當時我就只會喃喃地慨嘆...“嘩!好靚呀!” 然後趕緊合上眼睛深呼吸一下,感受那片刻的寧靜...因為下一秒就是接二連三的咔嚓咔嚓拍照聲(忘了提及遊園時我們竟然遇上4架車上印著「大班旅行團」的旅遊車!!只見一群又一的內地同胞在爭先恐後搶佔有利位置拍照) 嗚呀!再美的風景都給破壞了!真失策!我倆計劃觀光的地方通常都是渺無人煙的,幹嗎會走出數架「大班旅行團」? phew~

趁我們還未被嗆耳的喧嘩聲沖昏頭腦前,就駕車走到森林中尋找糜鹿的踪影...可惜告示牌上寫著 "糜鹿會隨時從叢林中跑出" 並沒有發生在我們身上...結果我只能買一隻糜鹿木雕作紀念品,!
那晚我們就投宿在森林中的山林小屋度過異常寧靜又黑漆漆的一晚。清晨,我倆在湖中划著船,細看晨霧慢慢從湖面消散,噢嘩!實在太美 :D

隨後我們還去了Niagara Falls! 走上Maid of Mist感受有如十號風球的Falls Attack! 嘩哈哈哈!

New York City. 很討厭,掉了iPhone也在Central Park從單車上摔了下來。
參觀museum5th Avenue走上Empire State Building看夜景,還有Times Square, Wall Street與自由神像...都是一樣的吃喝玩樂。是大城市的繁華璀璨,卻又少了那種度假閒適的感覺...

我們還都是喜歡跑到郊外享受那難得的豁然開朗 :)

Monday, September 26, 2011


What a funny title that best described this long-awaited October!

Though I am overwhelmed with all that is going on lately, I'm happy to be this busy preparing our long vacation in USA Canada and getting everything ready to move to our home sweet home XD

My happy October begins with

18 days road trip to LA, San Francisco, Toronto, Buffalo and New York!
Driving along the Pacific Coast highway in California; meeting superstars in Hollywood; living in the jungle; visiting Napa Valley the wine country; going back to Toronto where my boyfriend being brought up visiting his high school/university and houses he used to live in; experiencing a special Autumn with fallen maple leafs; getting wet under Niagara Falls, and visiting Broadway, Central Park, Upper East/West, Brooklyn and Manhattan in NYC!!!!!

Another piece of good news is that Bennett and I will be living together after we come back! We've found a very nice apartment in mid-levels East on cloud view road around 780 feets with balcony! Also the master bedroom is big enough for me to turn a few somersaults!! Haha!! We'll be moving in right after our vacation therefore we're now very busy searching for the busy-buy furniture and stuffs...busy and exhausting week.

Looking forward :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Life in Cyberport

life in DDB
despite the extra-long queue lining up for the 69X minibus every single morning;
despite the sense of disparity between the rich and the general public;
despite the limited choice of restaurants and poor customer services; 
despite the lack of convenience stores or bank or whatever we think it's necessary; 
despite the hardness of getting a cab back home in midnight; 
despite the emptiness of its all in this remote location...
Cyberport is one of the best place to catch the sun with its stunning view

Love this sea view office I'm in
Love to take a deep breathe in the balcony watching sunset after a day of hard work
Love that :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Trying...New Google+ but not really sure what I think of it yet. I do like the circles ability, but the rest just seems too similar to Facebook.

Loving...My brand new Mac book pro with OSX Lion. Awesome.

Researching...Nespresso. Get a coffee machine for our new home :)

a very cool site which allows the wealthy foreigners selling their expensive, high-quality used furniture at our affordable price. It worths to spend time digging out the good deal, and it feels like treasure hunting. 
an american online shop selling clothing, accessories and apartment wares (shipping fee is required so better get a group of e-shoppers to order) 
UK's largest online-only fashion and beauty store (free delivery!)

Reading...slowly slowly reading Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

Listening...To same old favorite- Belle & Sebastian

Watching...Finally finished the third season of Trueblood. Now 'm watching Season 2 of Fringe.

Keeping up... wake up at 8 every morning, make myself a breakfast, watch the news and get to work at 10, off work at 7:30 catching the shuttle bus and go to bed before 12. Get some exercise during weekend whatever it can be running, swimming or just a simple jog around my neighborhood. I feel so good to lead a healthy life :)

Looking... forward to the long vacation to LA, San Fran, NYC and Toronto in October!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tips of the Day

I think we like to complicate things when it is really quite simple; 
find what it is that makes you happy and who it is that makes you happy and you're set.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


B: 食咩好?
N: Ummmm...Cafe O?
B: 好喎...好主意!
N: 吖...都係唔好, 其實我都係想食意粉
B: 吓? 點解呀? 食Cafe O啦!
N: 但係Cafe O 冇意粉食喎
B: 又係你頭先自己話去嘅! 乜你咁㗎!(悔氣)
N: 吓? 我點呀?
B: 講咗又唔算數! 
N: 我頭先brainstorm緊之嘛, 又冇話一定要去! 我依家改變主意呀得唔得吖?!
B: 咁點先依家? 唉, 你話哂事嘞, 你決定啦, 我講咩你都唔聽㗎啦 (超級悔氣)
N: 妖!

(幾分鍾後, 作了決定, 然後出發)

駕車途中, (不幸遇上)交通擠塞, 心知不妙...
B: 點呀前面呀? 做乜咁塞㗎? 攪咩呀? 喂你睇唔睇到前面做乜塞實哂?
N: 轉燈呀, 等吓啦, 你好趕咩?
(幾秒後, 車輛開始以速向前慢駛...)
B: 頂! 啲貨車停哂喺路中心落貨有冇攪錯呀? 巴士又要埋站Van仔的士又要上落客, 三條行車線得返一條! 想唔塞都幾難啦! 離哂大譜!
N: (心諗: 好嘈...可唔可以收聲...靜! 靜! 千祈唔好插嘴!!千祈唔好!!! 扮聽唔到!)
(說時遲那時快, 趕不及加速就已經轉了紅燈)
B: SHIT!!!!!! I hate Wanchai!!! I fucking hate Wanchai!!!! (係, 我都唔知點解突然轉咗做英文台...)
B: 我真係好討厭灣仔! 中環! 旺角! 銅鑼灣! 啲交通太癲啦!!! 喺香港揸車真係靠惡!! 唉!! 痴線! (就嚟爆炸)
N: (呀....救命呀!)


B: 唉! 冇哂位啦! 又要等! 
N: (心又諗: 忍多陣! 好快冇事! 快啲有車位!!!!!)
B: 咦! 前面好似有喎!
B: FUCK!!!!! 呀......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
N: (呀.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
N: (我已經冇哂胃口...)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Canon Delighting You Always

會專登走上Youtube再睇一次(甚至幾次)嘅本土出品, 就只有Canon嘅廣告。
每條片總有個氣質女孩, 又或者一個比木村更有味道嘅型格男生; 一段輕快嘅音樂; 一處唔係咁熟識嘅地方; 隨意唔造作嘅演繹; 簡簡單單, 好好睇, 就係 delighting you always.

Client: Canon
Agency: Communion-W
Vernie Yeung @ Carnibird Films Paris

Communion W 仍然係一間好出色嘅agency. W x Vernie Yeung = NICE!
好慶幸自己曾經係W其中一員, 不過講到底, 都係鍾意睇多過做, 哈哈!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Cool Stuffs

Nike- The Chosen

Dream World

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Who is this?

Throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other. You could talk to this person for hours and never get bored, you could tell them things and they won't judge you. This person is your soulmate, and I think a soulmate is someone who will make you be the most "you" that you can possibly be.

Friday, June 3, 2011

沒有華叔, 還有六四



今年係中國人權最嚴峻嘅一年, 中共瘋狂打壓異見人士。有好多市民特別為「被失蹤」「被監視」嘅維權人士走上街頭。「釋放劉曉波!」
「釋放趙連海!」「釋放艾未未!」佢哋手持茉莉花, 越喊越大聲, 用最強烈嘅聲音要求中央釋放所有異見人士。

而港人喺中國唯一自由花開嘅土地, 更應挺身聲援為自由民主而戰嘅鬥士, 好讓民主早日在中國開花結果。

今年, 還是會去六四燭光晚會, 周六8時維園見!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


每朝早都要花整整一個鐘先出到門口, 因為要......沖咖啡, 煮早餐, 睇香港早晨。然後換衫, 除衫, 再換衫, 仲要襯番個手袋...同對鞋。化個粧吹個頭, 塗點香水, 終於出門口, 落到樓下先發覺竟然唔記得帶...耳環, 拿拿林走番上去攞對好緊要嘅耳環, 轉頭又裙拉褲甩咁跑番落去。著住對四吋高嘅高踭鞋跑上跑落, 我已經唔係第一次仆落大堂嘅樓梯, 看更都視作若無其事。

幾經辛苦先趕上電車, 叮叮叮叮返工去。
忙碌一日, 又叮叮叮叮返番嚟。

落粧沖涼敷mask又吹頭, 仲要諗定聽日著乜搽定指甲油。
吃點水果, 看看電視, 又係時候要瞓覺。
臨瞓前記緊要搽eye cream, hand cream潤唇膏...實在...太多嘢要做。


Saturday, May 28, 2011

DDB in Bintan

3 days getaway
Here we go, Bintan again. Yeah, it's my second time being here, embracing the sun and the white beach.
Given the fact that it was an extremely rush trip, we spent almost 12 hours a day in traveling through HK, Singapore and Indonesia. Taking plane, ferry, coach and railway, waiting for check-in, filling immigration forms, lumping along with my heavy-bag -_- it's bloody exhausting.
We were staying in Club-Med, and as we're all in a package cost so basically everything is free of charge. Including (unpalatable)meals, drinks, and all sorts of water sports.
Despite the rushing hours, we did catch a snorkeling session in a sunny morning. Tropical fishes, corals, urchins...not as many as last time I came, but they're lovely though. 

Two hours of snorkeling, two hours of ball games. Later we came the "team-building" part, sorry that we had to go indoor due to the bad weather, thus we all hundred and twenty people needa stuck in a tiny stadium for the games. And you know what, games on and all these sweaty buddies smelled like shit that made me hardly breathe...

Nevertheless, we did have a fun time.
Later we spent the rest of the day eating and chilling, playing card games, taking pictures, not too bad actually.

Time flies. The next day we spent another 12 hours to go back.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


My damaged curly hair!
Though it looks pretty cool but it's real time-consuming. I spend extra 15 minutes to blow dry and set curl after bath/ every morning. So tiring.
It lasts for 2 months, long enough. 
Let's take a picture and say goodbye :)

Friday, May 6, 2011


- You're bravo! Dear. Congrats on your promotion! You reach your goal so much earlier than expected! Be a Creative Director at 26!!! Young and Talented!! Fight for your own land and there will be glory and honor for the faithful warrior.

- We are planning our next trip to America!!!!!! New York! Las Vegas! California! Los Angeles! San Francisco? Toronto? Seattle??! Feel so excited and I can't wait to check it out though Google earth!

- Just made a visit to CTWCM bosses. Good to know that Brain just gave birth to a baby girl :) Leslie and Paul are busying with the deco. of the new office which actually looks the same as the old one, a mix of European Mid-century Rococo, Baroque and Renaissance style. It's still the coolest and glamorous office I've ever seen. I do miss the old days back in ctwcm, those were the precious moments I had and shall never forget.

-DDBers are going for a company trip in Bintan in mid-May. Though I've been there with Ben last year yet I guess there will be a total different experience. So still looking forward.

- I love my newly bought Philips docking speaker! It fills my bedroom with music and style.

- Two and half go. I wish time flies as fast as wind blows.

- And do remember when something goes wrong, don't panic. Voice out. Stand up for yourself.

- My macbook is dying :(

- I can stand no more for my curly damaged hair. I will straighten it this weekend!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


(my phone rings)

B: 食Outback囉?
N: 吓? Ummmm......
B: 好啦! 我打去訂位!

(5 mins later, phone rings again)

B: 訂咗啦! 6點半!
N: 吓...真係食呀...?
B: 吓咩呀?你頭先唔係話好㗎咩我訂哂枱啦喎依家咁點先你話喇乜你咁㗎我唔理啦今次我話事我6點鐘嚟你屋企樓下接你就咁決定啦拜拜!
N: (建設民主中國, 反對獨裁統治。革命尚未成功, 同志仍需努力。)

Tips of the Day

If we all understood that
everyone has their own battles to fight,
insecurities to face, loves to contend
and goals to attain, the world would be a gentler place.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


N: 今晚食乜好?
B: 打邊爐?
N: 又打? 唔好啦...
B: 咁你話喇!
N: 諗下先, 諗到話你知
B: 不如去小肥羊, 我可以打去訂位!
N: ......
B: 或者去你屋企打都得!
N: .................
(烏鴉飛過 : 鴉~鴉~鴉~鴉~)
B: 又黑面呀?
N: 痴線, 我邊有黑面
B: 咁都話冇?
N: 我冇嘢講唔代表我黑面...
B: 唉, 你真係好難服侍
N: 吓? 我只係唔想去打邊爐啫...

B: 想食咩呀?
B: 叫牛肋骨同牛脊囉?!
N: 吓?咁多牛? 我想食海鮮喎, 叫元貝好嗎?或者燒蝦都好似好好味
B: 咁呀...但係食韓燒梗係食牛㗎啦...
N: (心諗: 邊個話㗎?)
B: 一係咁啦, 叫一個牛肋骨, 一個牛脷啦
N: 咪又係牛?!
B: 係呀! 好嗎?
N: ......

N: (大利清湯腩) 清甜魚湯蘿蔔?
B: 麻麻啫...
N: (日式串燒) 鹽燒雞軟骨?
B: 麻麻啫...
N: (中式茶樓) 香軟馬拉糕?
B: 麻麻啫...
N: (Shabu Shabu) 滑滑豆腐?
B: 麻麻啫...
N: (甜品店) 超級好味流心chocolate cake?
B: 麻麻啫...
N: (Suhsi) 軟殼蟹手卷?
B: 麻麻啫...
N: (大排擋) 馳名沙拉骨?
B: 麻麻啫...
N: (自家Gourmet燒烤)十三吋大海蝦?
B: 麻麻啫...


N: 不如睇black swan囉?
B: King Speech 好似好睇啲喎~
N: 但我想睇black swan 先.
B: 我唔係話Black swan唔好, 但聽人講King Speech好好睇。成套戲都好有張力, 同埋個寫槁人係全奧斯卡最老嘅人.... 
N: 但我都係想睇Black Swan
B: 點解?
N: 冇得解, 點解去睇套戲都要解釋咁多?
B: 唔係要你解釋, 只係我想睇King Speech先啫
N: 你真係咁想睇King Speech?
B: 係呀!一定好好睇架! 套戲攞哂獎!信我啦! 實冇死!
N: 咁你自己去啦
B: 乜你咁架? 你成日都唔聽我講...
N: bye bye

Saturday, March 19, 2011



wake up at noon/ bacon and egg with freshly made apple juice/ jack johnson/ haagen-dazs/ Discovery T&L/ U magazine/ john mayer/ nap/ blogger

A real simple treasure :)

Just read an article in magazine, it's about a travel reporter's sunrise and sunset, the most memorable magic moments she had, in Dubai, in southern India, or wherever. She got very cool pictures and memories which once again prove that being a travel reporter always an aspirational occupation. She makes her living by traveling round the world, and yea, she writes journals and takes pictures for her column, very easy money, huh?
I wish I was a travel reporter too...

I'm a very very tight-budget-traveler with 10 days annual leave, and 24000 asia miles.
How can you catch as much magic moments as you can?

Sunrise, Mainland, Dec 2008

Sunrise, New Zealand, Jan 2010
Sunrise, Austria, Sept 2009
Sunset, Peak-Hong Kong, Jan 2011 
Sunset, Peak-Hong Kong, July 2010
Sunset, Mainland, Dec 2008

Friday, March 18, 2011

吓? 唔係啩?

il Bel Paese 竟然執咗...笠?!!!

我啲Parma ham芝士cracker salami 呀呀呀呀呀呀...
今個 home-made Sunday brunch 點算呀? 咪得番隻蛋?一星期唯一一個good morning都冇啖好食?!!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2 1/2


工作工作, 再工作

艱辛, 有血有汗

雖然日日嗌辛苦, 不過知道自己慢慢咁向前行緊, 氣力冇白費, 又擴闊咗視野, 感覺其實都唔錯。

同伴們, 我哋一定會做到好嘢出嚟㗎! 加油呀!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


又電了鬈髮! (成熟女人味, DONE!)

卻要比平時花多一倍時間打理, 真係...麻煩... 竟然喺電髮後一日就已經後悔
-_-" 有冇攪錯!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yes, I do blogging


從來都冇諗過成為Blogger, 好明顯係因為冇乜恆心, 更可能因為太懶。亦都唔見得一年365日中有幾多件藉得執筆紀錄嘅事, 又唔係一個文人, 真係冇乜心機將一啲生活瑣事或心路歷程演繹成一篇行文流暢嘅章節...而我估計真係有興趣想睇嘅人亦都寥寥無幾。

但既然一個Art-base嘅都可以copywriting, 而一個writer亦可以畫storyboard執相砌layout, 我諗我都係時候轉一轉營, 發掘下潛藏嘅potential, Upgrade下自己。單係靠stunning嘅visual impact係未夠, 再要加句扣人心弦嘅headline先至做到Creative Director嘅層次。所以就開始----寫吓嘢

縱然只係一句起兩句止, 都算經過深思熟濾。
呢一年嘅努力經營, 總算係個好開始!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Life in Happy Valley

Happy Valley. 


兒時就住喺跑馬地, 毓秀街一棟三層高嘅洋房, 我哋住喺地下一層。婆婆姨媽姨姨舅父媽咪同我就住喺呢間都幾大嘅屋裡面(或者係我太細粒, 所以覺得間屋好寬敞) 喺我僅餘嘅記憶入面, 只記得門口有兩度閘, 高高嘅樓底, 狹長而帶陰森嘅走廊, 姨媽睡房裡嘅鐵盒朱古力, 一隻體積比當時嘅我還要大數倍嘅狗, 仲有廚房窗外一個猶如四合院嘅怪地方。

對於當時只得一兩歲嘅我, 就只係記得呢啲零星嘅畫面...

26年後, 再重返舊地。


Happy Valley 是個好地方。

好喜歡搭電車, 尤其是夜裡獨個兒坐喺電車上層, 聽著叮叮叮叮的由喧鬧嘅銅鑼灣轉入呢個寧靜嘅小社區,雖然只係短短嘅5分鐘車程, 但就是從容不迫, 慢慢的叮著叮著, 卻又好快返到屋企。真好!

這裡洋鬼子多的是, 所以有好多售洋貨嘅店子, 貴至幾千幾萬蚊一枝嘅72年carbonate sauvignon, 亦都有我可以小嚐一口嘅Cuban Cigar, 當然少不了經常光顧嘅il Bel Paese, 賣嘅係Italian Find food, 有我最鍾意食嘅Salami, 仲有homemade pasta, 同埋每次都會試一款新嘅Deli Cheese, 遲啲若然發咗達嘅就要試埋truffle同caviar!
當然, 除咗西方嘅美酒佳餚之外, 絕對不能錯過嘅係平民大排擋銖記;又真係幾好食嘅彭慶記;仲有米芝蓮星級食肆正斗粥麵;與日式爐端燒南蠻亭同燒鳥亭! 實在難免套用DBS廣告中一句 "你真識食!你真識食!"

我家就係位於馬場旁邊, 我嘅房間就可以完完全全咁眺望整個馬場。而每逢星期三晚嘅賽馬日, 三五成群嘅醉酒鬼佬就係正我屋企樓下間"Stable" 同"Jockey" 飲啤酒剝花生, 好鬼熱鬧又好鬼嘈(的而且確"Stable"嘅Guinness Draught 又真係好鬼正!)

屋企咁近馬場, 最好就係Sunday morning去馬場跑步喇! 前陣子in between jobs實在太過空閒, 所以就花咗成個早上喺馬場度跑步, 曬太陽, 睇D鬼仔小朋友打Hockey玩Rugby, 仲有啲闊太玩草地滾球。

有Fine Dining 有地道小菜, 有pub有馬場, 有Market Place有Movieland仲有Dymocks, 好一個neighborhood.
Happy Valley 確是個好地方。

我有一個Home Sweet Home :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Year-round Project (since 1984)



26年, 你又儲咗幾多?

Sunday, January 16, 2011


“ 站著, 把錢掙了。”


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Title-I can't think of any

I am not confident enough.
I sometimes walk with my head down.
I know I am smart, but not in the ways that count.
I am not good at anything. I am not a professional.
And I do not think I am pretty.
I am self-centered and I let my emotions get the best of me.
I'm really not as nice as I'd like to be,
Or as innocent as you'd think I am.
I am an im-perfectionist.
I am a big dreamer with little motivation.
I am really no good at all, on my own.

I am sick of all this non-existent bullshit my mind makes up.

Friday, January 7, 2011


有點緊張, 有點興奮; 有點猶豫, 有點忐忑, 卻又滿心期待。