Friday, December 31, 2010

A difficult year

Finally it comes to an end of 2010. Glad. So glad. Can't wait to celebrate the coming of 2011 and wipe 2010 off my memories right away. It was the worse year ever that overflowed with worries and gloom. It sucks, really really sucks. (excluding this December, it was great as you know)

Now let me say bye to the nasty 2010 and bless the brand new year :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I admit it

yea I am bored, so damn bored. I got too much time, but...nothing to do, haha.
Better stay home coz the card bill already freaked me I just lay down on the sofa spending all my time watching tv...time for HBO, currently watching 'True Blood'


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Santa Claus is gone

Christmas is gone.
Happy moments gone fast. as always. We did have a joyful Christmas.
(but it's a pity that we didn't go for the Midnight Mass in the Catholic Cathedral, we used to go there on Christmas Eve in the pass years)

Arrrr.....Only few days left of my long vacation, kinda dejected. And you know what, I just got my card bill, it makes me even low...eewww...

Monday, December 20, 2010

All you need is love

My love

Thanks for the enchanting guitar solo, I am so touched. 
Play the guitar sing the songs, it's all that simple yet charmed enough.

And, I love the birthday gift, the SX-70 with the older-than-me vintage leather case!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Time in Seoul

13th- 17th December 2010
We had a great time in Seoul.

Anyong-haseyo! (means Hello! in Korean)

Hello! Seoul! Here we go!

We've done a lot of shopping, actually crazy shopping.

We've many good food, traditional Korean style cooking with kimchi kimchi and kimchi. (Okay, I had enough kimchi, guess I won't have kimchi for at least half year or so)

We've met our Korean friend Chan together with his sibling, girlfriend ...dining in some local restaurants and bars, taking pictures, chit chat and toast.

After spending 2 days shopping, emptied our pockets, we both felt very guilty therefore we planned to do some sight-seeing instead. So we went to the famous Royal Palace for a visit and spent the rest of the day in Leeum Museum. Whats-more, we've been to a desert-paradise (named Passion5), it is a pretty cafe full of colorful macarons, pastries and cakes, chocolate, puddings and all the sweets that touch the soul of your heart. It's just a heaven for girls :)

Despite the extremely cold weather (I'm talking about -13c and snowing), we were going out everyday to shop, to eat, to beer, to do whatever a tourist will. We had much fun and we're glad that we both have such a good travel-mate, and soul-mate of coz.

*one funny fact- I lost my iphone4 and gloves in the subway!!!!! Luckily I got them back the next day, thanks BK(Chan's girlfriend) a very pretty Korean girl with big eyes :D

Afterall, we didn't get lost, we haven't been grabbed by the strangers, we didn't get bombed by Kim Jong-il, we didn't have a flight crash, we come home safe! Afa, we did it!!

Ummmmmm...but ummm.....disaster comes later when we receive our credit card bill...

Friday, December 17, 2010


I got it. I got the contract. such a long-waited one.

Okay, in this month of celebrations, let's get in a fever of excitement, be crazed and then, lets welcome the year of 2011, it will be a great year ahead.

Work hard play hard, Nicole.

Friday, December 10, 2010

December Rocks!

I love DEC!

I'm off for the whole December! I'm having a longgggg-break, heeeheeee...
Always be good to myself, so let's do whatever I want to! Time to laid-back, relax, time to refresh, time for fun, time for amusement, time for magic happens!
I'm going for a crazy journey to Seoul with my crazy soul-mate Afa! We can possibly empty our pockets as we're gonna do a lots of crazy shopping! OMG! hahha!
I'm having my Happy Birthday! My 26th birthday, lovely!
I'm having a Merry Merry Christmas with gourmet barbecue, roasted turkey, fine wine, x'mas gifts & surprises, lots of parties lots of good movies and a whole lot of fantastic moment!!

Isn't it fabulous? I just can't wait for all these fun time! 
Come on! Life's short, play hard!!

Yooooooo Hoooooo!(Yea, I know, I know I'm far too hyper!)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Currently Listening

I've been a fan of Norah Jones' cool voice and jazzy pop stylings and was thrilled to see so many great collaborations of hers over the past decade with many of her favorite artists.

These collabs are so diverse that it truly makes for an exciting and fascinating album. I love the differing genres and the interpretations. There is everything from rock to hip-hop to country to jazz.

"It's so exciting and flattering and fun when I get asked to sing with somebody that I admire," Norah has said. "It takes you a little bit out of your comfort zone...kind of like being a little kid and having a playdate."

This cd really has something for everyone. It's like a favorite mixtape and is great for just lazing on a Sunday afternoon. "Featuring" shows off Norah's talent and charm, her versatility and her smoothness. It's eclectic, funky and fun!

Friday, December 3, 2010


話說我要打電話問吓訂機票嘅詳情, 咁我就擰起電話打去網頁上嘅 "訂機票熱線".

我=我   佢=客戶服務員

我: 你好, 我想問吓12月13號嗰個禮拜去首爾邊日有機位同埋幾多錢呢?
佢: 嗯, 其實你可以喺我哋個網頁搵到你想要嘅資料
我: 我知呀, 我就係喺個網頁度搵到呢個Hotline, 所以想打嚟問清楚
佢: (重覆一次剛才嗰句)嗯, 其實你可以喺我哋個網頁搵到你想要嘅資料
我: 我想訂機票喎!
佢: 你可以上網自己訂
我: 吓?... 咁如果我想訂埋機票+酒店嘅package 咁又點呢?
佢: 你可以上
我: 其實個Hotline有咩用㗎呢?
佢: 俾人問吓嘢咁囉
我: ........................