Friday, May 6, 2011


- You're bravo! Dear. Congrats on your promotion! You reach your goal so much earlier than expected! Be a Creative Director at 26!!! Young and Talented!! Fight for your own land and there will be glory and honor for the faithful warrior.

- We are planning our next trip to America!!!!!! New York! Las Vegas! California! Los Angeles! San Francisco? Toronto? Seattle??! Feel so excited and I can't wait to check it out though Google earth!

- Just made a visit to CTWCM bosses. Good to know that Brain just gave birth to a baby girl :) Leslie and Paul are busying with the deco. of the new office which actually looks the same as the old one, a mix of European Mid-century Rococo, Baroque and Renaissance style. It's still the coolest and glamorous office I've ever seen. I do miss the old days back in ctwcm, those were the precious moments I had and shall never forget.

-DDBers are going for a company trip in Bintan in mid-May. Though I've been there with Ben last year yet I guess there will be a total different experience. So still looking forward.

- I love my newly bought Philips docking speaker! It fills my bedroom with music and style.

- Two and half go. I wish time flies as fast as wind blows.

- And do remember when something goes wrong, don't panic. Voice out. Stand up for yourself.

- My macbook is dying :(

- I can stand no more for my curly damaged hair. I will straighten it this weekend!