Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thanksgiving Note

i am thankful for:

Mum & Dad- I'll always love you, despite everything

Bennett- for being my cheerleader all the time, also my financial counselor (providing very intensive advices) and have always been my sources of motivation

for my dearest friends, who are absolutely amazing and kind and funny and awesome, every single one of you makes my life here so much better

for ice-cream, chocolate and french fries

for the internet- msn, mostly, and facebook and openrice

for music, which i can't live without

for TV shows and gossip magazines that enables me to waste my life when I should be doing something more meaningful

for the Google map with compass in my iphone, as you know i always get lost physically (and mentally)

for shopping, it heals sadness, very effectively

for the App Store-the huge pool of games, the best time-killer

for the greenery and the ocean

and for the weekends.